
Experience the presence of Christ!

St. Mary’s homebound ministry is focused on ensuring that parishioners who are not able to join us for liturgy continue to feel the support of the parish family. This caring support is carried out primarily through bringing the Eucharist to these individuals. Each visit brings not only the presence of Christ but the loving touch of the entire parish family. It also reassures the homebound that they continue to be an important part of our faith community.

Request a Visit

Homebound ministers are happy to bring Eucharist to any parishioner who is unable to attend mass on a temporary or long-term basis. Contact the parish office at 616-842-1702 or parishoffice@slstm.org to request a visit. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person to be visited as well as any additional information that will help the minister to prepare for the visit.

How it works

Homebound ministers are contacted by the Ministry Coordinator when a parishioner requests a visit. The minister then contacts the parishioner to schedule an initial visit. The visit may take place at a private home, nursing home or hospital. Subsequent visits are scheduled according to the needs of the homebound parishioner and the availability of the minister.

Become a minister

As a homebound minister you will not only help others to experience the presence of Christ, you will find your own experience of Christ deepened. As St. Francis said, “It is in giving that we receive.” Through visiting the homebound you may learn something new about the history of our parish, gain new insights into the experience of physical illness and God’s healing mercy, or even find a new meaning of the Eucharist in your life.  Consider the gifts God has given to you. The homebound ministry may be the perfect opportunity for you to “do unto others” as Jesus called us to do.