
St. Mary’s Central Food Pantry is an ongoing weekly ministry. Please remember us when you shop.  We are now accepting gluten free products.  Monetary gifts and Scrip gift cards of any kind are always accepted and appreciated. On behalf of families served, thank you!

The St. Mary’s Food Pantry is an emergency food pantry. We offer a variety of food items, personal care items, and paper products to people in need of temporary grocery support. The Pantry is run by volunteers who shop, sort, pack and assist in any way they can to help those in need. We also help families and anyone with special grocery needs during the Holidays, including food baskets packed with items donated by our generous parishioners and community.  In addition, we work along with Love in action. and are an onsite Central Pantry on Thursdays from 9am to 4pm.

Volunteers are needed to sort food, pack and maintain our Pantry. If you are interested in helping out in any way, please contact The Parish Office.