Becoming Catholic

OCIA  Order of Christian Initiation Of Adults

formerly Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is designed primarily for adults and older children who are not baptized and are looking to join the Catholic Church. It is also used as an initiation process for people who have been baptized in other Christian denominations who are interested in becoming Catholic.

Each person going through the process needs a sponsor, someone who is already a fully initiated, practicing Catholic to journey with them. Sponsors are encouraged, but not required, to attend sessions.

Our sessions are held on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30 PM, beginning in September. 

People interested in becoming Catholic may have many questions about the Faith. These questions vary from simply clarifying the Church’s teaching on a particular topic, to clearing up larger misconceptions about the Church, and/or going through a variety of topics from which questions may arise. This stage in a person’s interest in the Church is formally called Inquiry, or the Pre-Catechumenate.


Inquiry is sort of like getting to know someone to see if you are interested in dating them. Basic subject matter is covered in Inquiry meetings (Trinity, Incarnation, Paschal Mystery, the Church, the Bible) as well as much time discussing questions from those people inquiring.

In Inquiry, there is no formal commitment to the Church because the person is simply inquiring more about the Catholic Church.


Once a person is beyond any major questions or concerns they may have had with the Church, they enter into the stage of the Catechumenate, meaning they are now recognized by the Church as receiving formal instruction in the teachings of the Catholic Church. There is less time for basic Questions and Answers and more time on the presentation of the truths of the Catholic faith. There may be time to discuss the topics with a Sponsor during the meeting as well. A sponsor is an appointed person from the parish that walks with you through the entire preparation period of coming into full communion with Catholic Church. As well as a go to person after one becomes Catholic. This period starts with the Rites of Welcome & Acceptance.


Those persons who are already Baptized in a Christian Faith in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; with water are referred to as Candidates once entering the period of the Catechumenate. Those persons unbaptized are referred to as Catechumens once entering the period of the Catechumante.


This period usually during Lent is a time to not focus so much on content, but to reflect upon entering into full communion with the Catholic Church. Purification and Enlightenment is much like being engaged to a person. By this time you are nearly 100% sure you want to enter into a Covenant relationship with the other party; and instead of focusing so much on learning about the other person, you spend more time in prayerful preparation for the day you enter into the covenant. This period starts with the Rite of Election and ends with Easter Vigil

During this period, more time is spent with the Word of God in prayer, focusing on the Creed and other Liturgical Rites and Prayers, as well as personal prayer and with the group.


This time during the Easter Season is meant to show the Neophytes, new Catholics, more parish specific things that we do. We review Reconciliation because the Catechumens do not go before Baptism. Classes are also shorter and less frequent as the Neophytes are to be going more out on their own explorating which parish groups to become involved with. 

Contact Dave Heinert