Elementary Faith Formation Programs

How does Word of Life offer an authentic Evangelizing Catechesis?

The Word of Life curriculum responds to the 2020 Directory for Catechesis and its call to help Christians “give a complete meaning to their existence, educating them in a mentality of faith in keeping with the Gospel” (Directory, no. 77). Responding to the needs of contemporary culture and modern man requires an “evangelizing catechesis.” This catechesis centers on an initial proclamation of the gospel message. What makes Word of Life unique and impactful is its approach to the “formation of a Christian mentality” (Directory, no. 71) and how it creates “a coherent doctrinal vision that can be used as a reference in life” (Directory, no. 80).

Catechists for this year

Kindergarten Dennis Gillis, dgillis@sltm.org

1st Grade Mrs Melinda Machalan  mmaclachlan@slstm.org

2nd Grade Torri Regiani tregiani@slstm.org

3rd Grade Molly Klimas mklimas@slstm.org

4th Grade Molly Klimas mklimas@slstm.org

5th Grade Elyse Winter ewinter@slstm.org

Questions?  Please contact us! 
Katrina Curtis, Director of Faith Formation
ffdirector@slstm.org | 616-842-2840