Student Council


“The purpose of this body shall be to represent the views of the student body, to provide service and activities for the school and community and to provide leadership training and experience for the students.”


St. Mary’s Student council is composed of student officers (grades 6-8) and class representatives (grades 5-8). All members of the Student Council are elected to their positions by their classmates or the student body.


Student Council responsibilities include, but are not limited to, fundraising activities, community projects, and planning Spirit Week. Some required Student Council activities occur after school.

Student Council Officer Positions

PresidentSets meeting agendas, runs meetings, and speaks at Student Council functions
Vice PresidentHelps president with various jobs, takes over for president—if necessary
SecretaryTakes notes at meetings and responsible for all correspondence
TreasurerHelps advisor count and roll money
Sergeant-at-Arms    Arrives at meetings early, sets up room, cleans up after meetings
HistorianArchives records of Student Council activities
2 Class representatives from each grade 5-8

Rules for Elections

Rules for Officer Elections

  1. You are not to hand out any incentives, make promises, or offer any other service in return for fellow students’ votes.
  2. You may hang up one sign or poster per floor.
  3. Please keep your speech to no more than 2 minutes. Give a brief reason why you think you should be an officer.
  4. Be professional, be honest, and have fun!